Simple Bathroom Supplies

Basic supplies for the Bathroom:
Soap - Soap is great for all cleaning needs and you can get lovely soaps if you wish for a good price if you hunt around. I've found some lovely ones at a $2 Shop.
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Tooth polish/whitener - Baking soda does this job wonderfully. Really cleans teeth and helps get rid of stains. I can use it straight on a damp toothbrush but my kids prefer to place a little toothpaste on top to hide the taste. Works well either way and much cheaper than the special products sold for this purpose!
Shampoo & Conditioner - The cheapest options are bar soap or baking soda in water with a cider vinegar and water rinse. These all work well. However, those with really dry hair might need to look for ways to moisturize their hair - I believe a little coconut oil can be rubbed into the hair to moisturize it.
For Baking Soda & Vinegar option: You will need two squeeze bottles. In one put 1 tablespoon baking soda and fill with water. Shake well. In the other place 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and fill up with water.
To Use: Shake baking soda/water bottle and squeeze on to damp hair and rub through scalp and hair well. Rinse. Apply apple cider vinegar/water all over your hair. Can leave on for a few minutes while you shower, and then rinse. (Or rinse straight away.)
Will get about 3 hair washes from each bottle.
First Aid/Medicines - Tea Tree oil is great for all little cuts and abrasions, and also for pimples. Kills germs and aids healing.
Plasters. A stretch bandage is useful.
Arnica cream is handy for bruises and I think it is also good for sprains.
Then there is panadol tablets for headaches and other pain, plus for temperatures.
These items cover most needs. You may have particular special needs of your own in which case you can add these. I have some basic makeup supplies (usually just eyeliner, mineral foundation powder, and occasionally I wear lipstick), & I use hairspray.
After working out your basic supplies, it's time to get rid of all the rest that you store away in your bathroom and never use! (I do keep a few things in storage in a small plastic tub.) <3