Kitchen Items - What Do We Actually NEED?

Wow, the kitchen. Now that's a place in our homes where there are LOTS of gadgets and equipment and utensils!
Therefore, lots of washing up or lots of storage used!
How can we weed out items we don't use anymore or that we don't use often enough to keep on hand?
If anyone has been renting and, therefore has needed to move house knows, the kitchen is one of the worst rooms to pack!! SO many boxes! And, when moving house, isn't this a good time to downsize? To get rid of junk and to sell or give away items you rarely use anyway? Hey, it's a great feeling to bless others by giving them an item they would use!
So, how to begin? Here is where a bit of thought is needed. What recipes do you usually bake or cook? What kitchen equipment do you need for these? Can you use the same tool or equipment for more than one thing, and thereby get rid of some other items? What equipment do you rarely use but just like the idea of? Could you just buy that sort of food item on the rare occasion you would like to eat it? How often would you eat it anyway? And, how often have you actually made this recipe anyway though you have the equipment for it?? It's time to get tough! Or, to 'just do it'!
Okay now what we need to do is put into boxes items that we don't use or hardly ever use. One box for give-aways (or to sell), and one box for throw-aways (that no-one would want!). Leave the items you use regularly in your cupboards/drawers. Then, throw away the items that nobody would want and give away to friends, or the Salvation Army (or similar) your give-aways. Simple. Done and dusted, as they say!
You can do this with your food supplies, too!! Yes, all those ingredients you have tucked away in your cupboards and in your fridge/freezer that have been collecting 'dust'! Get rid of anything you are not using - it is SO freeing!
Which reminds me, maybe it's time for me to re-attack my kitchen ... ! <3