Why Live a Simpler Life?

Life can be tough. We really want to spend our time on the Lord, the people we love and on those passions that God has placed on our heart. But the busyness of life gets in the way.
Our lives are filled with busyness. Next thing you know years have gone by and you haven't even begun to follow the desires of our heart. Often we find it hard to remember what they even were.
So, why live a simpler life? Because life is short and God gave each of us a work to do. And if we're not doing that work that is on our hearts, we are living unsatisfied and always wanting more. Then we can confuse this unrest with thinking we need more possessions, or more ...
Life is not all about things; possessions. These can take over our lives and totally distract us from what God has called us to do.
Luke 12:15 [Amplified Bible, Classic Edition]
15 And He said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more); for a man’s life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing [a]overflowing abundance or that which is [b]over and above his needs.
What really are our needs? Do we really need that item? Can we manage without it? Covetousness is a trap and a snare. It takes up our time. Time we should be spending with the Lord, with family, and with following the passions of our hearts that the Lord has given us. We literally are wasting our lives away!
Isn't it all too easy to get caught up in thinking you need this or that thing? We spend much time thinking about it. We think we really do need it. We really must have it. And how can we find a way to get it. Believe me, I know. Been there. Done that! And I see many wasted years ....
We don't just get caught up with possessions. We find ourselves caught up in all sorts of busyness. Especially as women. We put our husband and children and everything else before ourselves. This can be a good thing, but not to the point of having no time to be the person God has created us to be.
Why don't we minimize our activities? What can we stop doing? What activities should we be doing? Pray about it. Cut out some of the busyness in your life, even if it is good works at church! Pray, and seek the Lord what He would like you to be involved with now, in the present. Don't think of the past, or the future. And don't think you should be Superwoman and do more than you really have time for. Keep the things that are really important, and seek the Lord about the rest. Even one activity that the Lord has put on your heart, apart from your time with Him and with your family, is enough.
Are you an artist? Do you love photography? Serving others (helping with housework, meals on wheels...)? Do you love to write? Cook and bake? Whatever you love to do, I heartily recommend using that which you love to serve others in some way, to bless others. A heart of love must give forth fruit! Be praying about all this. Ask the Lord to show you how you can bless or serve others through the gifts He has given you.
It's time we spend our time on what really matters. Our relationship with the Lord. Our family relationships. And the passions the Lord has placed on our hearts. This is busy enough, but well worth our time and effort. And rewarding. We will have more peace than we could possibly have in doing too much.
What has God placed on your heart? What first step can you take? It can be the smallest first step, but it counts.
It's time to reassess our goals in life. And spend time doing what really matters.