Learning to Trust in God's Love

The Lord loves us so much and yet, often we doubt Him! I personally have struggled with this for decades. I guess personal tragedies and trials can effect our ways of looking at life, and also in our trusting others, which unfortunately spills over to our relationship with the Lord. Sad, but true.
However, there is hope for change, and it comes from learning to trust while you are waiting to see the Lord's hand at work. I have been learning that it is important to trust that He is working on my behalf, even when I can't see evidence of it right now, even when the Lord seems to be 'late'. Somehow (only the Lord knows how), everything seems to work out okay!
For example, recently my car needed a lot of work to get a warrant of fitness and I didn't know how I could possibly afford it. What ended up happening was that one person gave me some money towards it (because the Lord spoke to them, I didn't), and then another person also felt to help me, and lastly a bill I usually needed to pay was credited so I had nothing to pay on it, and that went towards the costs also. So, the Lord works in mysterious ways and my car was all warranted in that week! However, the testing part was I had to wait for about 3 months to see this happen. Three months overdue with the warrant of fitness for my car! I kept praying and I kept trusting in the Lord to provide, and to look after me meanwhile, as I had no options of busing to work, because my job was in the country and there was no bus service to my place of work. Not easy! But the Lord was indeed faithful. I share this hoping that it might encourage some of you who are looking to the Lord for provision, that He will look after you as you wait, and He will provide in His time.
Another example was a time recently when I went to pay for my car registration and I was so looking forward to paying it and getting it sorted. On the way home from work I went to the nearest Post Office to pay for it but needed to transfer money over to the right account so that I could access the money. A task I usually do on my smart phone. I tried for about 10 minutes to transfer the money over but the program on my phone just wouldn't work properly and I had to give up. I realized that maybe the Lord was telling me to wait, and I knew that if He was, it was for a good reason. However, I was very disappointed. Rather glumly I went home and found that I wouldn't have had enough money to pay the rent if I had paid for the car registration on the way home! So, the Lord knew. It's looking good for this particular bill to be sorted in the next day or two, praise the Lord!
So, try to be aware that if you are being blocked from doing something, maybe it is not the right timing. Maybe the Lord is saying to wait. :-) Or maybe you are waiting on Him for provision or healing. Keep believing in Him and keep praying for His wisdom. There may a part you need to play in your provision or healing. Meanwhile keep trusting in Him and His love towards you. He does have good plans for you and He will work all things together for good for you. It's a promise from the Lord Himself!