The Lord Himself is Fighting For You!

Are you struggling with depression or anxiety over the trials that are in your life?
Often we forget that we are in spiritual warfare! The father of all lies is throwing dump loads of personalized lies on us and we are just accepting it all as truth. The enemy is an expert at his craft, and he gets our focus off the Lord and onto our troubles at every opportunity he can get! We need to wise up and get our focus back up onto the Lord and Who He is. Our Lord loves each of us so much! He is working all things together for good for us, and He has good plans for us. In our trials He Himself is fighting for us!
Exodus 14:14
14. The LORD* will fight for you, and you will hold your peace.” (Deut. 1: 30, 3: 22)
God. One New Man Bible
The trick is to keep our minds on these truths when trials and difficulties come our way. The enemy wants us to get our focus off the Lord and to be in worry and fear and depression through out each and every trial. The way to break free is to change our focus and remember how good the Lord is, and that He is working on our behalf in every area of our lives. After we have done this we need to get into 'life' and be actively pursuing any positive activity - especially those where the Lord can use us to bless others. You will have more and more peace as you do this - peace that passes all understanding!
Philippians 4:6-8
6. And you must at no point be anxious about anything, but your requests must quickly be made known to God in every prayer and entreaty, with thanksgiving. 7. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your thoughts and purposes on Messiah Y’shua. 8. The rest, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is spoken with good will, if there is any moral excellence and any praise, you must continually consider these things for yourselves:
God. One New Man Bible
Galatians 6:9-10
And we should not lose heart doing good, for in its own time we will reap if we do not give out. 10. So then as we have time, we should do good with all people, and especially with the households of the faithful.
God. One New Man Bible
Finally, rest in the Lord and in these wonderful truths. When the enemy brings a dump load of lies your way, yell STOP! (If you are in company you can yell this in your thoughts!) And then put your mind on God's truths. 'Rest in the truth, says the Lord! I am fighting on your behalf. Keep your mind stayed on Me and Who I am, and you will have peace!'
Isaiah 26:3
3. Because he trusts in You, You will keep in Shalom Shalom (1) the one whose mind is close to, dependent on, You. 4. Trust in the LORD* forever, for everlasting strength is in the LORD*,
God. One New Man Bible
1 (v. 3) Usually translated “perfect peace,” the real meaning, with Shalom doubled for the superlative, is stronger than that, with everything in perfect order, even in the midst of chaos, like Paul and Silas in the Philippi jail. (Acts 16: 25)
God. One New Man Bible
So, don't believe the lies of the enemy where he would say that God has abandoned you and there is no hope. Lies! Our God indeed is 'for' us! <3