How Much Clothes Do We REALLY Need?

I am challenged at times with this question. How much clothes do I REALLY need?
Of all my clothes in my closet and in drawers what do I actually ever wear? And shoes? When I honestly look at the various items I own, I find there are clothes that I have kept that I never wear, clothes and shoes I have even forgotten that I own, plus items that I don't really like the colour of or that don't even fit me properly! And I am storing them for what? What a waste of space!
So, the first thing I did was to make a pile of the clothes and shoes (etc) that I don't wear. Then I looked at what was left and picked out the clothes and shoes that I like to wear. The next step was to work out what went together best, outfits that I would wear. Of the clothes and shoes that were left I threw out the ones that no-one would want, and gave the rest to a Salvation Army Op Shop.
For my summer wardrobe I ended up with: 4 neutral coloured skirts, 4 tops/blouses, one cardigan, and one jacket. Plus 2 pairs of shoes that could be worn with any of them. One big bag and one small handbag that also matched nicely! Wow, how amazing it was to have a workable wardrobe that it was easy to get at and to use!
I challenge you to do the same! What items of clothing and shoes, bags and jewelry are you holding onto that you never wear? Why not simplify your wardrobe? Make a time and a day and 'just do it'! <3