Simple Entertainment
Is electronic entertainment everything? What about books, or meeting with a friend, or going for a walk or a bike ride? Or meeting with friends to do a bunch of baking which you can all share afterwards? Or getting involved in a hobby or a craft?
It is so easy to spend a lot of time watching movies and TV series, and playing electronic games. These can cost quite a bit either in hiring them or buying them. Unless you have a free source that is. Maybe you just watch them on TV? I must admit I use my computer more than my TV for entertainment but books are once again drawing my interest in the area of entertainment. :-D
I'm thinking there's a lot to be said for reading books! There are heaps of good books to read and freely available at your local library! And reading a good book is like watching a TV series. You get a lot of entertainment for a lot longer than a movie. Plus you can pick it up at any free moment, instead of waiting for the next installment on TV! I'm thinking there are lots of possibilities for lots of good entertainment here. Travel, cooking, fiction stories, hobbies and crafts,.... No boring moments here, only boring books. And if the book is boring you just take it back and try another one. You soon get to know the good authors!
Another thing to consider is that if we get too stuck on TV, play stations and computers, we can literally watch our life go by. Hold on, you are not even watching your life go by, it's someone else's or a fictional character! Do we want to find that ten years has gone by and most of that we were watching something or playing some fictional game? What about following our passions, those things that we just love? Wouldn't it be better to develop our talents and hobbies and really achieve something, rather than spend all our time with the duties of life and lots of distraction?!
This is why I started this website. I love writing. Years have gone by and I haven't seemed to have time to write. Bringing up children, working, and housework. Plus, often I was so tired that all my inspiration seemed to have dried up and I didn't even know what I wanted to write about! Eventually the penny dropped and I realized that I simply need to write about those things I'm passionate about! So now I am writing again, rather than hoping that one day I'll have time to do some writing. And it feels just great!
So, I pass on a challenge to you all. What have you been putting aside that you love, that you are passionate about? Why not start to devote some of you electronic entertainment time towards that? Also, why not begin to read again for entertainment? You really do get value for money!