Eating Simply Via Biological Feedback PART 2

This article is all about the challenges of eating in the way God designed for us to eat. We only have challenges because for a long time we have eaten with abandon and have never listened to our bodies and what they want! We can learn to change and connect again with our body and what it really wants.
So how do we change from eating unnaturally to eating in the natural way that the Lord has designed, in His goodness, for us? Is it simple and easy? Well, it is simple, but not easy as we must start to take part in the fight between the Spirit and the flesh. This is something most of us have not actually gotten around to, or not in the area of eating. As the Bible says:
Galatians 5:16-17 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)
16 But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
17 For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do.
The way to take part in the battle between the flesh and the Spirit, is to always be consulting the Spirit in all things, and allowing yourself to be led by Him. In this instance it is in the area of eating. Simply, this means to be in prayer and consulting your body as to whether your body is wanting any food right now, or what it actually is wanting to eat, and how much, every time you want to eat. Allowing yourself to get hungry, and stopping when you are satisfied. And thinking about what your body most wants to eat right now. Instead of the mindless eating most of us tend to do.
By all my research, this is what slim people are in the habit of doing. They may not be Christians and so they may not pray, but they are in the habit of being connected to their body and consulting it regarding what to eat and how much. This is what we are naturally born to do unless it is untrained in us by our well-intentioned parents. God has inbuilt this into us and, if we are allowed to use this all our lives, we will never have to worry about our weight. However, we can re-connect with our body and, asking God's help in prayer is helpful towards this end.
Anytime we want to eat for emotional reasons, e.g. anger, frustration, boredom, or anxiety - these are the times to be on guard. Since we are not actually hungry, what is it that we can do instead of eat? Do we need to pray about some concerns and look to Him for guidance? If we are bored, what positive activity can we do (eg. read, knit, visit a friend, ring someone, get involved in a loved hobby...)? If we are frustrated, what is it we need to let go of, and give into the Lord's hands? At these times we always need to remember that we can trust the Lord totally. Once we are praying about it, all we need to do is to be attentive to the Lord and any guidance He may give us. There is nothing to worry about anymore! The Lord has good plans for us and He always turns all things to good for us because we love Him and are called by Him!
Finally, take one day at a time. Each day has enough to deal with. Just worry about today only. Not your past failures or successes. Not the future and its possible failures. Live this day only, with the Lord. If you fail today, just give it to the Lord, ask His help, and immediately start afresh again. It will be a process. You are re-learning to eat in the natural way that God intended:
1. When you are hungry, you eat.
2. When you are satisfied you stop.
3. When you are emotional or bored, you deal with those issues instead of trying to eat them away.
We all need to be kind to ourselves and forgive ourselves when we slip up. If we keep working at these basic principles, and keep in prayer, we will change more and more. We will re-learn to eat in the way God designed for us to eat!