Eating Simply via Biological Feedback
God made our bodies, and He did a marvelous work! Our bodies are truly amazing, every single one.
God designed our bodies so we would know what to eat, and how much. This design was good, because the Lord Himself created it. We would therefore eat healthily and we would never have to worry about being overweight. That is, unless we ignored our bodies and just ate what our flesh nature wants.
Of course, if we let our flesh nature eat whatever it wants whenever it wants to, then we will be in trouble! But, if we let our own bodies guide us what to eat and when, then all is well. Our God is so cool He built into our bodies hunger and fullness (not stuffed). And, if we consult our body, it will also guide us what to eat. Amazing, right?
Okay, so think about a time you were actually hungry before you went to eat. What sort of food did your body want? What most people find is that when they wait for hunger before eating what they want to eat is a salad or a sandwich, or fruit, or maybe some lasange, etc. At that time they don't want to eat sweet treat type foods at all. When you have waited for hunger first, you will also know when you have eaten enough, and feel full (and yet not stuffed). This is when we are to stop eating and wait for the next hunger signal.
What is generally discovered is that when we eat when we are not hungry, that it is then that we desire sweet treats that are light and easy to eat, or 'stuff in' to our bodies. Straight away we are overeating, or, being a glutton. We are eating before our body calls for it and we are putting a strain on our body and all its organs by acting in this way.
We can even get emotionally attached to these foods and they then become 'comfort' foods - only the comfort doesn't last long and we feel uncomfortable physically, and guilty, after indulging in it. True comfort comes from the Lord. And He is waiting for us to come to Him with every care. He will comfort us and help us. Like the Bible says:
1 Peter 5:7
7 Casting the [c]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [d]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [e]watchfully.
And yet there is hope for the worst of us because inside our body those same signals exist. All we have to do is wait until we are hungry, think about what our body might most like, then eat. Even if we occasionally slip up and don't wait for hunger, we can from that moment on, wait until hunger before eating the next time. Thus we give our body the chance to process the food. If we have eaten before hunger it might be longer than usual for us to get hungry again, but it will happen.
So, what if your stomach doesn't growl? Well, sometimes hunger can be an empty feeling 4-5 hours after you last ate. Or you might get a bit of headache. It can vary person to person. But, you are not likely to get hungry till 4-5 hours after your last meal. Simple isn't it! Why oh why do we make things so complicated?
Isn't our Lord so awesome? Totally!
Here are some links regarding the Weigh Down diet which teaches us to eat this way: