Stress - Where does it come from?
I think we have all experienced that awful feeling of stress. But where does it come from? And, is there a way to relief? Or, must we just accept it and live under those horrible storm clouds of stress?
For me, I have found that I get stressed with the problems of life like, financial struggles or loved ones who are sick. Sometimes I get stressed because there is just too much to do in a day. Whatever the reason for our stress, there are ways to relief.
It seems to me that most of the time stress comes from fear. Another form of stress is living too busy a life and trying to fit more into our days than is humanly possible.
So what is the way to relief from stress? We all know that keeping active and fit can help us deal with stress better. However, why don't we cut stress off right at its roots?
Let's look at fear, first. When hard times come into our lives one of our first reactions is fear. Whether we face financial troubles or maybe someone we love is sick or there is some other source of trial - we feel afraid, because we feel helpless. Or because we don't know what to do. We can't see a way out.
The best way to nip fear in the bud, or cut it off at its roots is to trust God with whatever is concerning you. We trust God because of Who He is, His character as our loving Father. We have to decide to trust God and let worry go. We have to continue to let worry go and decide to trust God every time it tries to come back on us. And it will try! We trust God because He has good plans for us and because He promises to work all things together to good for us. These are important promises from our loving Heavenly Father. Keep in prayer, and keep trusting. Sometimes God will test us and this is the time where we need to keep our eyes on the Lord and keep trusting in Him.
For more insight into God's loving character check out the Gospels and read up on the life of Jesus - who was an example of the Father in action on the earth. All He did He did from the leading of His Father in heaven.
John 14:8-9
8 Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father [cause us to see the Father—that is all we ask]; then we shall be satisfied.
9 Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father?
The other area we will look at is trying to fit too much in your day. What I would call the Superwoman Complex! This is where you feel guilt ridden if you don't do the impossible every day! Really, the way to bring relief here is to simply cut down your lists of what is to be done in a day. Let us check what is important to be done this day, and do that. Don't forget to add to that list the normal events of your day and what spare time you actually have to do extra. Plus, really consider how long it will actually take to do this. Some things will just have to wait till the next day, or another day. Like the Bible says:
Matthew 6:34
34 So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.
So, let's be real about what we actually can accomplish each day, and simply do that. The Lord would not expect any more from you than that. And you also should not expect any more from yourself than that! Be kind to yourself. And fair.
Worry is another thing that can cause us much stress, but I will write another blog article on that one.
May you be blessed with much less stress, by cutting it off at the root! xx