HOW Can I Live a Simpler Life?
To live life more simply, start to examine your life, and what you are spending your time on.
Are possessions too important to you? Do you desire things big and small? A house, a car, a new wardrobe, gourmet delicacies, the latest electronic gadget ....
Think! How many years have you spent chasing after these things? Are these possessions really the most important goal in your life? What about family and friends? What about the Lord who is waiting for you to find time for Him?
Are you frittering your time away on too many activities? How much spare time do you really have? And what do you want to spend that time doing? What do you want to spend your spare time on, today? What activities do you love to do? Better still, is there a way you can bless others through actively pursuing those things you love to do?
Are you spending much of your time working so that you can pay for possessions you think are extremely important? Are they? For example, do you really need that large house that cripples you financially and causes you to work more to pay it off? How much time do you actually spend in that house? Could a smaller house work just fine, and cost much less to pay off and allow you to work less hours so that you can have time for those things that really matter to you? If you do a search for tiny houses you will see how a smaller home can free up your time and finances. Very interesting!
Now let's consider your transport. Do you own a car? Do you use buses or trains? Do you use your bicycle? Look for ways to keep this simple, and to cost less. What sort of transport do you really need? How can you keep the costs of this lower? The less the cost, the less hours you have to work to pay for it.
Another thought to consider, regarding your financial state: Avoid all hire purchases and credit cards! If you can't afford it right now, save up for it, or put it on layby. You might be able to afford those payments right now, but what if things change? What if you suddenly need that money for something else? I, personally, have been caught out with this one. The sooner I can pay off these items the better. I have already cut up my credit card! Far better is it to save your money for those things you need, and trust the Lord to provide, than to get in debt over it. Like the Bible says,
Romans 13:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
8 Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor [who practices loving others] has fulfilled the Law [relating to one’s fellowmen, meeting all its requirements].
There may be other areas of your life that you need to examine. But you get the idea. How can you simplify your life?
I am learning (slowly unfortunately!) that to seek the Lord's wisdom about what I do or don't do is important. Also to truly trust Him to provide, in His timing! Trusting that the Lord has good plans for me, and that I can trust Him to turn all things together for good for me. Once I decide to trust Him, what is there to worry about? Nothing! All I need to do is to simply seek His wisdom each day for what He would have me do that day. Praise God! The simple life is getting closer!